Monday, September 6, 2010

Pretty Sweet Life

All to often the stress of life gets to us, and makes us lose sight of the bigger picture. As I sit here, I am watching my son who is laughing at the reflection of himself in a mirror. It made me stop and think for a second. First of all because he is so stinkin cute, but also because I was wondering what was going through his mind, wishing that something like a mirror could bring me such joy. As I watch Jonathan, exploring things, and being able to use a shoe as a telephone it made me long for a time when I was amused as easily as this. A time when I found such joy and was able to use my imagination to turn a calculator into a cash register and play for hours.

That's when it dawned on me...I don't have to long for these things. It is right in front of me. The things that bring joy to my son bring me just as much if not more. When I paused for a minute and really thought about it I realized that I have more than I could ever need right here in front of me. A little boy that I love more than all of the stars in the sky, and as of right now I think he feels the same for me. (at least until he is 10 and I tell him there is no way in Hell that he is getting a cell phone at his age)
As the breeze comes through the house with the scent of fresh cut grass I realized that I have a pretty sweet life. Grass that is ours at a house that my husband and I worked so hard to get, but more importantly the home that we have created here. I have a husband that adores me, and would do ANYTHING for his family without question.
We have a beautiful son who is perfect in every way, we have a roof over our head, and food in the fridge. We have a pretty Sweet Life.

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