Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Sick Boy

My poor baby has been very sick. He woke up on Sunday coughing really bad (I have never heard him cough like this before) He was coughing so much it sounded like he was going to choke. I think that he was coughing stuff up, but he didnt know how to spit it out.

The last few times that I thought he was sick I have brought him to the doctors and they always say it will pass, there is not much you can do.
We have a humidifier in his room, we elevated his mattress with a pillow, and we have been sucking the boogers out of his nose (yes I did just say boogers) When I got home from work he seemed to have been feeling a little better. He was in a good mood, and not overly fussy. The only thing is that I could feel him wheezing. And when he did cough it did not sound good at all. He ate his normal cereal for breakfast and dinner, but he had not really eaten well in between. (once I thought about it it made since though, his nose was stuffed so he could not nurse very well.) He even slept fairly well.
But when he woke up he was all congested again, and his cough sounded awful. He also wanted to go back to sleep at 8 am after getting up at 630. I just knew there was something wrong so I called the doctor and got him an appointment.
Sure enough he was wheezing when we got there (the last few times when we got to the doctor he sounded fine) So right away the doctor had him take a breathing treatment...which he hated!! He cried and screamed and fought it. But after it he sounded a little better.
So we were sent home with a machine and the meds and a diagnosis of RSV. That night when we got home the treatment went much smoother. We ended up taking the mask off of the tubing because I think that is the part that he hated. As long as we let him hold the tubing he was almost content.
As a person I have always felt for children that were sick, but as a mother I feel so helpless. I just want to take the sickness away from him. Make it so that he can great easier, and feel better. Guess all I can do is give him his treatments, and cuddle him!

New Job

Well I found a new job. It met all of the criteria I was looking for.

It is part time, I only work 3 days a week, it is very close to home (15 minutes) and I work every weekend.

Going back to work was alot harder than I thought it would be. First it really took a toll on me. I get up and most days I am at work by 4 am. My husband drops Jonny off with my uncle, and when I get out at 9 or 10 I go and pick him up. Most days I am able to get a short nap in while Jonny naps, but other days it is hard. Either because Jonny does not nap, or because I have things that I need to get done before he wakes up.

The first day that I had to be to work at 4 AM was really hard for me. It was the first day that I would not be there to get him out of the crib and say good morning when he woke up. It took all the strength I had at 2:30 in the morning not to go into his room, scoop him up and hug and kiss him. I was able to muster up the strength not to go in mostly because I knew my husband would be very upset if I woke Jonny up that early in the morning.

So I went to work, and as soon at 6:30 rolled around I had to call home and see how everything was (of course everything was fine.)

The worst has been that Jonny is sick. Sunday I woke up to go to work, and Jonny woke up coughing really bad. I felt so bad and I really wanted to stay home with him and cuddle him. My poor husband, I thought for sure he was going to pull his hair out. He has never really had to deal with Jonny when he was cranky or fussy. He is usually able to hand him off to me.

It is however nice to have a little extra money, and by extra I just mean money to be able to pay all of the bills, and groceries, and not have to worry about not having enough money for the pay period.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Time to go back to work

Well Almost. Since Jonny was about 2 months old I have been looking for work, however there were a few requirements that I was looking for.

  • Has to be part time
  • Has to have weekend hours
  • Has to be close to home
  • No more than 3 days a week
Now I know that it is hard to find work at all right now, but I really thought that because I wanted weekends and part time something would have come along alot sooner. However, Wednesday of last week I got a call from the local donut shop. I went in for an interview Friday and I got the job. Now I am not going to pretend that it is my dream job, or even that it pays well but, the hours are perfect!
I will work Saturday and Sundays 4am-11am and one other day during the week. It could not be more perfect (well except for the pay) Jonny will be home with the hubby on the weekends, and hubby can drop him off on his way to work the other morning with my Nana and Uncle.
I was really anxious about getting a job because I didn't want to be away from Jonny, but I am actually at peace with getting this job. I won't be away from him all that much, as he will be sleeping for quite a bit of the time that I will be working, and the hubby or family will be able to watch him, so I will not need to get day care.
So Thursday morning I will wake up early, and I will go to work. Again I will be able to contribute to the family.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Dear Jonny

Dear Jonny,

It is so true when people say that you don't know unconditional love until you have your own child. You are already 5 months old. Last month all in one day you started to roll over, had some "solid" food, and you started to try and blow raspberries. I am so happy that you already are growing into a little man, but it makes me sad that you are growing up.
In just a month, you are now able to blow raspberries, you roll over some (not much though as you are very content just laying on the floor playing with your toys) When we prop you up, you are able to sit up and just look around.
You love to just look and take the world in. Sometimes you are able to stare off and just observe the things around you for quite a while. You absolutely love animals, and light up every time the dog or cat come into the room.
Every morning when I go into your room to get you out of the crib you break out into a huge smile, and you melt my heart. I am so in love with you, and you are only 5 months old. Just 5 months ago it was just Daddy and I, and now we just could not imagine our lives without you.
Growing up is inevitable, so the only thing I can do, is make sure that learn good values, and that you have good morals. Everything I do now, I do for you. You help me to push forward everyday. To try and make myself, my marriage, and your world better.
Love you lots little man.

Love Mommy