Friday, February 19, 2010

Road Hazard

So in December when we got our first real snow fall we learned that the tires on our car were CRAP To say the least, this really upset me because the car was less than a year. Anyway we sucked it up and shelled out over $500 dollars for a set of snow tires.
Well A week ago my uncle mentioned to me that he saw a bubble in the tire. Again I was extremely frustrated...after all the tires were only about 2 months old.
We bought the tires at a local "Pop Shop" as we like to try to support the small companies. So one day we stopped to have them look at the tire, and see what they could do for us. A guy came out and looked at the tire, and told my husband that the bubble that he saw was almost certainly caused from hitting a pot hole, or running over a curb. He informed him that because of that there was nothing that they could do for us.
My husband tried to explain that he would most certainly remember running over a curb, and pointed out that there was no damage to the tire, or to the rim, which to us would indicate that there was no major damage from a pot hole. He then stated that because there was black on the rim that almost definitely indicated that the damage came from pot hole. My husband is no expert I know that, but while he was in college he worked at Sams Club in the Tire department, so he knows a thing or two, and he mentioned that it looked like sealant from when the tire was put on.

The guy took our number, and said that he would have the owner call us the next day.
Well when MR TIRE GUY "Dave" called back he told my husband the same thing, except he added that a "road hazard warranty" would have covered the tires for this type of damage. HOWEVER, he does not offer this type of coverage in order to keep costs down.

Keep costs down for who? Him, because it certainly is not keeping costs down for the would think that a bunch of guys that run a business off of selling TIRES would want to offer a warranty to offer a sense of security, and to keep customers coming back. Not to mention we live in New England where the pot holes are the size ofA Beluga Whale.

It would be one thing if the TIRE GUYS offered us the warranty at extra cost to me the customer, and I decided to turn the coverage down. Then I could see having to buy a whole new tire, and pay full price (By the way was $125 per tired, and we bought 4!!!) So as a compromise Mr Tire Guy said that he would sell us a tired at a discounted price of $95 installed. I will buy a new tired, and the next time Wally the Whale decides to jump out at me (sense I do not aim to hit him) I can shell out another hundred dollars. I THINK NOT.

So I had my husband get on the phone and call another tire company. He told them the story. They said that they had one in stock...which was perfect because we only needed one! It was going to cost us $125 for the tire installed or $137 with Road Hazard Warranty. AND to top it off he offer to add Road Hazard to the other 3 tires that we already own since he carries the brand. All in all it cost us $169 today BUT I now have the peace of mind and if Wally decides to jump out at me again I bought from a company that will back its product.

It cost me more today to buy from a company that I felt comfortable with, and I feel that the customer service I received was worth ever single penny.

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