Saturday, February 27, 2010

Men vs Women when it comes to being sick.

Why is it that expectations are completely different for men and women when they are sick?

A man's world comes to a complete stop when he is sick!! All you hear is "Ughhh I am sooooooo sick" or "Ughhh I can't move" or even "Ughh I am so sick and tired" as well as the moans and groan which are the worse because you know that they are fishing for sympathy.

I feel bad because I know what its like to be sick However, when I am sick I am expected to still be able to function. I am expected to take care of myself, juggle changing the baby's diaper and making it to the toilet before I throw up. As I said I do feel bad when my husband is sick, however I just can't find it in me to show any sympathy for him.

When my husband is sick, he is glued to the couch, chair, or bed and he doesn't move unless it is to make it to the bathroom. When I am sick, I have to take care of myself, take care of the baby, have food out for dinner that night, and clean the laundry that I have thrown up on.

I only bring this up because my husband got sick today. I was doing good, being nice, and understanding, BUT then I got sick. Started losing fluids from both ends. Come 9:30 Hubby was in bed, and I was taking care of the baby waiting for him to go to bed. I have also thrown up once since. Here I sit not feeling well, and through our paper thin walls I can hear him snoring away. Sweet dreams hunny!

That is the end of my rant about that for now. Ask me in the morning and it may be a different story.

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