Monday, February 15, 2010

Time to get moving...

Two weeks ago, my husband and I had a huge eye opener when it comes to our weight. (Hunny please forgive me for sharing this!!!) My husband has been very good about trying to get to the gym at least once a week lately, so we packed everyone up in the car, I was going to spend the day with my cousin, so I dropped him off at the gym to meet up with her husband.

Well when they got back from the gym they had a "funny" story to tell about how my husband was unable to buckle the seat belt in my cousins car because it simply could not fit around his belly. While we all laughed at my husband's expense it really got me to thinking. We have a responsibility now. A beautiful, breathing, smiling, sometimes crying responsibility. I know that I want to be around as he grows up, and watch as he learns, and achieves his goals. The reality, my reality, my husbands, reality, and my sons reality is that obesity, heart problems and, diabetes all run in our family. Any one of those, or all of them could take me away from him, make it so that I am not there to see him grow and achieve things. Watch as he builds his own family.
Now is the time that we have to take action. So Two weeks ago we started weight watchers. It's great because we can still eat the things that we want, just not as much of it as we would like to sometimes have. I have had friends share great recipes with me, I have learned how to count my points, and plan ahead.
I am proud to say that I have lost 8 pounds, but losing weight isn't enough. We have to get active and get fit. Mostly so that we can teach our son good behaviors, good routines. If he does not see that we are active, if he sees us stuffing our face with junk food, why would he not want to do that as well?

Like I said my husband has been really good about getting to the gym at least once a week....its not great, but hey it's a start. So I got to thinking...what as a stay at home mom can I do? I wanted to find something that could get my son involved so that he learns at an early age the benefits of exercise, as well as routine.
SO I bought a Jeep Jogger.

Now just so you know, I bought this jogger with no intention to jog 8 miles the first day. I am being realistic, and I know that I am not going to be able to just stat jogging again....after all I have not done any running since I was in the 8th grade! I am at least 100lbs heavier now than I was then, so needless to say out of shape.
So today a 28 degree day outside, I bundled my little one up....a onsie, a fleece sleeper, fleece coat, and a fleece body suit with hand covers, as well as a hat. I strapped him into the jogger, put a blanket over him and away we went with dog in tow...
Now today is the first day I have really done anything that even sounds like exercise in a little under a year so we started slow. I started by walking, when I got to the end of the road, I looked up the next road and decided I would jog until I got to the second house on our road....As I approached the first house, I'm not gonna lie I was panting. I got past the first house, and was approaching the second I am out of shape....I got with in 200 feet from the second house, and I had to walk..I just could not jog that extra 200 feet...sad I know.
But it gave me a goal...with in two weeks (hopefully) be able to jog pass the two houses with out passing out!!

I know change does not happen over night, but it has to start somewhere!

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