Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Stomach Bug

This morning I woke up at 2:30 AM, however for some reason I thought the clock read 4:30. Hubby was supposed to leave for work at 3:30 so I yelled to him that it was 4:30...I could tell his heart had sunk as he yelled "WHAT?" So I looked again, and the clock only read 2:30...oops...After giving the hubby a heart attack I apologized and tried to go back to bed.
Now as you may have read in one of my previous posts I have an irrational fear of SIDS and usually cannot go back to bed without checking on my little man. I had my husband promise me that when he got up in 30 minutes that he would check on him. So I laid in bed trying to go back to sleep, but all of a sudden it felt like something was crawling around in, and yanking at my stomach. I know that is not a pretty picture, but I was soooo uncomfortable.
So I got up and went into the bathroom. I felt like I need to go to the bathroom, but I also felt like I was going to throw up...the only problem was that I was not sure which was going to come first.
So I took my chances and sat down. It did not take much effort and that was done...then all of a sudden I had to throw up...usually my husband does not hear me, however he did ask if I was okay, and asked if I needed anything.
I finally got back to bed after changing my shirt because everything had come back and splattered on me. I had a very hard time falling asleep, however when I got back into bed I did see Jonny moving on the video monitor, so my mind was able to rest about that. I think I finally dozed off at 4:00ish, however Jonny was up and wanted to eat a little after 4.
I feed him and changed him, and then he threw up his whole bottle on me. poor guy! And if that was not enough he also had the runs....In the midst of all of this I had to get up and go to the bathroom 6 times! Yep 6 Times.
Just for a moment I looked down at my son, and I wish your Father was home. Now I may sound like a horrible mother, but a part of me would like to think that this is a completely normal feeling. Since having my son I have not been that sick...but to be honest I felt like my insides were falling out today. Its one thing when just I am sick, or just him, but we were both sick. And to top it all off I dislocated my knee today.

Anyway nothing too exciting, just thought I would write about the first time I have been sick since having my little man.

And when people say a stomach bug...sometimes they are not kidding...feels like bugs

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