Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Mommy Mornings

My husband is kind enough to get up with the boy on weekends. These "nights" consist of Friday night and Saturday night. This is very kind of my husband because he works all week, and I am a stay at home mom. It is kind of my "break" and opportunity to catch up on some sleep.
On a typical night for Mommy, my sweet, charming, little boy goes to bed between 9 and 9:30. He sleeps about 5-6 hours, and then he is up. It is for a quick feeding. 4 ounces fills his belly. Time for a burp, and a diaper change. Then I swaddle him up, put him in his crib with his binky kiss him good night again, and go out to the living room waiting for the first time he starts to cry. I usually have to make 2-4 trips back to the crib to give him his binky before he is ready to accept defeat to the sandman.Usually I am able to get back into bed around 4 or 5.
Then hubby gets up for work around 6. Baby sleeps through him getting ready for work, showering, eating breakfast and whatnot. Then for some reasona s soon as Daddy leaves the house, Baby wakes up. So I did get another 2 to 3 hours of sleep...broken sleep between the alarm clock and shower, but sleep none the less.
A typical night for Daddy from what I can recall, and from what I gather from my husband:
Baby goes to bed between 9 and 9:30. We usually go to bed right away if not within an hour. Baby sleeps 8 to 8.5 hours! Daddy feeds him 4 ounces, burps baby, changes his diaper, swaddles him up, and puts him in his crib. Daddy may have to go in 1 or 2 times to give him his Binky, and then hubby is back in bed. His routine uaually takes 35-40 Minutes. I know this because I see the clock when he gets up to feed the baby, as well as when he comes back to bed. Then Baby goes back to bed for another 2 to 3 hours!!

So this morning when I heard the baby screaming in the monitor, I looked at the clock...It said 2:30 AM. So he got about 5 hours of sleep. So I sat up, took in a deep breath, and thought to myself...he just likes seeing me more than he does Daddy! I smiled, and went and fed my little monster.

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